Advanced CGMP Courses

Conducting Deviation Investigations

Image of a deviation investigation team.
This is an image of a work team solving a problem. an advanced CGMP course! So many times we get the request to teach people how to write a deviation investigation report, however, if the report writer is lacking the information to put into the report, no one can teach them to write it. So, we begin the process by teaching deviation investigators 15 highly effective tools for conducting those investigations and gathering the information expected in the report. Each presentation addresses the use of a specific tool, after that, a specifically designed activity follows to help teach, clarify and reinforce the use of that tool as it was discussed. The student submits their worksheet to the instructor for comprehensive review and written feedback. Follow this link for more information on this course.

Writing Deviation Investigation Reports

The best way to begin any writing project is to start with an outline. So, this course addresses the typical and suggested report format. Each presentation thoroughly explains the purpose and use of each report section. The instructor dissects examples from actual reports showing the original writing and how and why it was changed. Each teaching segment is followed up with a worksheet, as a result, it helps teach, clarify and reinforce, the use of each report section. The student submits to the instructor, the report section worksheet for comprehensive review and written feedback. Follow this link for more information on this course.

This is an image of a team working on a project.
Class working on a break out group project.

GMP Trainer Awareness

This is intended for those trainers who merely need an awareness of the best training practices for GMP trainers. Students review the 18 presentations explaining those practices, tips, and techniques. Follow this link for more information on GMP Trainer Certification.

GMP Trainer Certification

This is the next step up, for trainers wanting a deeper understanding of those GMP training practices, tips, and techniques. In the GMP Trainer Certification course, students submit worksheets of course training plans, interventions, and activities; OR they submit web cam or video taped presentations for our instructors to review and to provide a comprehensive review and written feedback. Follow this link for more information on GMP Trainer Certification.

GMP Master Trainer – an advanced CGMP course

This is the highest level of trainer certification, for students wanting to assure they have the deepest understanding of the GMP regulations. They may elect to include an additional course of study in the CGMPS taking advantage of our newest curriculum, “GMP: A New Generation” series as a part of their training. When this is included, then the instructor will provide comments on worksheets and video presentations as they relate to the student’s understanding of the regulations. Follow this link for more information on GMP Trainer Certification.

Are you ready to take the next steps to arrange an advanced CGMP course? In short, reach out to us and request a quote for CGMP training.